402 Morgan Drive, Stockton, MO 65785

Pastor Tim and Sherice have long time roots in Cedar County. Both having graduated from Stockton, have made this their (Almost) life-long home. They have raised 3 boys here and now are the proud grandparents of seven.
Both have served in church for many years beginning in their teens. They have served as Children’s pastors, youth pastors, young adult pastors, associate pastors, and now, Stockton Campus Pastors.
Life, for them, truly revolves around making Jesus famous. They love people and love serving people. With hearts that desire to hear God’s voice, they want to go and do whatever He calls them to do. Let’s make a difference for the cause of Christ, let’s go into the world and make disciples for the cause of Christ, let’s serve together for the cause of Jesus Christ. All together, Making Jesus Famous!
Both have served in church for many years beginning in their teens. They have served as Children’s pastors, youth pastors, young adult pastors, associate pastors, and now, Stockton Campus Pastors.
Life, for them, truly revolves around making Jesus famous. They love people and love serving people. With hearts that desire to hear God’s voice, they want to go and do whatever He calls them to do. Let’s make a difference for the cause of Christ, let’s go into the world and make disciples for the cause of Christ, let’s serve together for the cause of Jesus Christ. All together, Making Jesus Famous!